Dream Works Social Enterprise
An enterprise, right in the community, allowing people with barriers to employment an opportunity to acquire technical and soft skills necessary to work in the marketplace and earn a living wage, moving them toward self-sustainability. This employment experience on-site at the Dream Center includes – life skill classes, career development, behavioral health services, employment transportation and childcare – free of charge. Adults who complete this program have learned to set personal and professional goals, learned marketable technical skills and, often times, for the first time, believe they can actually achieve their dreams.

We provide on-site employment, job retention support, job training, career development, and career placement.

We provide life skills classes necessary for economic stability and well-being and encourage college attendance, vocational training and completion of GED.

Financial Coaching
We support residents to increase their financial literacy, develop savings, and improve credit scores

We provide housing education and coaching so that residents can become home owner ready.