What We Do

We connect people to a community of support and resources equipping and empowering them toward their preferred future.


The Dream Center offers programming for local youth, grades K-5, nurturing them intellectually, physically and spiritually.  By surrounding them with a community of love, resources and development, we strive to set youth on a path of transformation that will carry them forward for the rest of their lives.

Economic Empowerment

Through people, partnerships, and an integrated approach to addressing the impact of poverty, Dream Center’s Economic Empowerment programs works with families to help them overcome barriers that interfere with economic independence.  This includes obtaining/maintaining employment, increasing income, refining budgets, developing financial skills, improving credit scores and more.


Affordable, quality housing is essential in moving people toward their greatest potential and building healthy, vibrant communities.  The Dream Center is committed to a holistic approach to developing people and communities that includes education, employment and environments (housing).

In addition,  the Dream Center offers residential programs that foster leadership qualities in young men to make a difference in their family, community and church.


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